Welcome to my personal website!

I am a PhD candidate from Environmental Economics and Natural Resources Group (ENR) group in Wageningen University & Research. I am supervised by Associate Prof. Dr. Xueqin Zhu, Associate Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Weikard, Prof. Dr. Oene Oenema from Wageningen University & Research, as well as Prof. Dr. Yong Hou from China Agricultural university. I will be conducting research as a visiting PhD student at University of California, Davis under the supervision of Assistant Professor Dr. Luis M. Peña-Lévano from October 2024 to January 2025.

With over 6+ years of experience as a researcher and economist, I specialise in integrated environmental-economic modelling and environmental impact assessment. My expertise lies in applying quantitative modelling approaches to explore mitigation pathways for sustainable food systems. My PhD dissertation focuses on assessing the impacts of food system transformation pathways—such as supply-side and demand-side measures, and environmental policies—at the regional, national, and global levels. I employ an integrated environmental-economic modelling approach based on a computable general equilibrium framework that is able to represent regional consumption, production, environmental variables, and international trade with other regions. I have published 9 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals, including one first-authored paper published in Environmental Science & Technology (SCI Q1; IF= 10.8) and one co-authored paper published in Nature Food (SCI Q1; IF=23.6). For a full list of my publications, please check on Google Scholar.

In my Job Market Paper (Main Text; Supplementary information; Slides), I discussed the asymmetric impacts of feeding China’s monogastric livestock with food waste on food security and environment sustainability.

You can reach me at weitong.long@wur.nl 📧. You can find my CV here: Weitong Long’s Curriculum Vitae

I am expected to receive my PhD in September 2025. Currently, I am seeking academic opportunities for the 2024-2025 academic year. I am available for interviews at both the European Job Market (EJME) and the Allied Social Science Associations (ASSA).

🎀 Research Interests

  • Sustainable food systems and food-land-water-climate nexus 🍽️🐾💧🌎
  • Integrated environmental-economic modelling of food systems 💻
  • Environmental impact assessment of food systems 🧩

📖 Education

🔥 News

📝 Key Publications

Citations (Google Scholar: 01/08/2024): total=160; h-index=7; i-10=6

📜 Working Papers

  • Long, W., Zhu, X., Weikard, H.P., Oenema, O., Hou, Y. (Revise and Resubmit at Sustainable Production and Consumption; SCI & SSCI Q1; IF=10.9). How can sustainable food production and consumption in China be achieved (Main Text; Supplementary information; Slides)?
  • Long, W., Zhu, X., Weikard, H.P., Oenema, O., Hou, Y. (Job Market Paper; Submitted to a Peer-reviewed Journal). The asymmetric impacts of feeding China’s monogastric livestock with food waste on food security and environment sustainability (Main Text; Supplementary information; Slides).

🔍 Work in Progess

  • Long, W., Zhu, X., Weikard, H.P., Oenema, O., Hou, Y. (In Preparation). Food system transformation is key to achieving food security and environmental sustainability in China (Proposal).
  • Long, W., Zhu, X., Weikard, H.P., Oenema, O., Hou, Y. (In Preparation). Exploring transformation options in the food-land-water-climate nexus: towards achieving multiple Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in China (Proposal).

👩‍🏫 Teaching and Mentoring

During my PhD studies at Wageningen University & Research, I have been acting as the teaching assistant for the Master-level courses (Principles of climate change economics and policy, 2022; Economic modelling of sustainability challenges, 2023 & 2024) and supervising Master’s thesis (2023 & 2024).

Teaching Assistant, Wageningen University & Research

  • ENR32806: Economic modelling of sustainability challenges (with Xueqin Zhu & Jack Peerlings), Master level, 6 ECTS, Spring semester 2023 & 2024).
  • ENR22806: Principles of climate change economics and policy (with Xueqin Zhu & Ina Möller), Master level, 6 ECTS, Winter semester 2022.

Co-supervisor of Master Thesis, Wageningen University & Research

  • Master thesis: Kehan Qiu (with Rolf Groeneveld), 12/2023-05/2024.
  • Master thesis: Huangshu Zhao (with Hans-Peter Weikard), 03/2023-09/2023.
  • Master thesis: Jia Zhou (with Xueqin Zhu), 03/2022-09/2022.

Chair of Master Thesis Ring, Wageningen University & Research

  • Organised weekly meetings for Master students to discuss their written thesis, 01/2022-12/2022.

💡 Academic Services

Conference Parallel Session Chair and Discussant

Conference Abstract Reviewer

Conference Organising Committee

  • The 7th Sino-Dutch Agriculture Green Development (AGD) Symposium, 02/2023.

💬 Conference Presentations

  • Long, W., Zhu, X., Weikard, H.P., Oenema, O., Hou, Y. (07/2024). Quantifying the environmental and economic impacts of feeding China’s monogastric livestock with food waste: a general equilibrium approach. Oral presentation to be delivered at the 29th Annual Conference of EAERE, Leuven, Belgium.
  • Long, W., Zhu, X., Weikard, H.P., Oenema, O., Hou, Y. (06/2024). Quantifying the environmental and economic impacts of feeding China’s monogastric livestock with food waste: a general equilibrium approach. Oral presentation delivered at the III ECGIC, Leeuwarden, Fryslân, The Netherlands.
  • Long, W., Zhu, X., Weikard, H.P., Oenema, O., Hou, Y. (05/2024). The asymmetric impacts of feeding China’s monogastric livestock with food waste on food security and environment sustainability. Oral presentation delivered at the 9th Sino-Dutch Agriculture Green Development (AGD) Symposium, Wageningen University & Research, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
  • Long, W., Zhu, X., Weikard, H.P., Oenema, O., Hou, Y. (08/2023). Integrated Environmental-economic modelling of sustainable food systems in China. Poster presentation delivered at the XVII EAAE Congress, Rennes, France.
  • Long, W., Zhu, X., Weikard, H.P., Oenema, O., Hou, Y. (07/2023). Integrated Environmental-economic modelling of sustainable food systems in China. Oral presentation delivered at the EAERE Summer School, University of Graz, Graz, Austria.
  • Long, W., Zhu, X., Weikard, H.P., Oenema, O., Hou, Y. (02/2023). Environmental trade-offs of dietary structure change can be alleviated by cleaner technology and emission restriction. Oral presentation delivered at the 7th Sino-Dutch AGD Symposium, Wageningen University & Research, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
  • Long, W., Zhu, X., Weikard, H.P., Oenema, O., Hou, Y. (10/2022). An environmental-economic framework for assessing the impacts of adjustments in crop and livestock systems. Oral presentation delivered at the WASS PhD Day, Wageningen University & Research, Wageningen, The Netherlands.

👾 Training courses

EAERE Summer School in Resource and Environmental Economics
University of Graz, Graz, Austria

  • Transnational and Cascading Climate Risks and Adaptation, 07/2023.

Dynamic General Equilibrium Modelling Course
Victoria University & University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, China

  • CHINAGEM, A Monash-Styled Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium Model of China, 07/2021.

🏆 Grants and Awards

  • 2024.07: Junior Researcher Grant from Wageningen School of Social Sciences (WASS) (4,000 €).
  • 2023.06: Travel Grant from the LEB Travel Fund to participate in the XVII EAAE Congress (750 €).
  • 2020.12: PhD Full Scholarship from China Scholarship Council (CSC) (64,800 €).
  • 2020.08: Excellent Master’s Degree Thesis from the Chinese Society of Plant Nutrition and Fertiliser Science (Awarded to the 0.1% best master thesis in China).
  • 2019.10: The First-Class Master Academic Scholarship of China Agricultural University (Top 1%).
  • 2018.11: The First Prize of China Agricultural University English Speech Contest (Top 1%).
  • 2015.09: The Third Prize of the National English Contest for Chinese College Students (Top 3%).

💻 Skills

  • Programming: General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS, advanced, e.g. model establishment), General Equilibrium Modelling PACKage (GEMPACK, intermediate), R (intermediate).
  • Modelling: Applied general equilibrium (AGE) modelling, life cycle assessment (LCA), input-output (I-O) analysis, material flow analysis (MFA), and meta-analysis.
  • Software: ArcGIS, Simapro, Latex, and Microsoft Office.
  • Languages: Native to Mandarin Chinese. Strong reading, writing and speaking competencies in English.